UNIT4 Business World | Reviews, Pros, Cons, Overview (2024)

Table of Contents
Financial Management Human Resources & Payroll Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting Project Costing & Billing Procurement Management Business Process Automation Reporting & Analytics Field Service Management & Automation Business Process Automation Features and Benefits Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures Solution Overview - Workflow: Agresso IntellAgent for Business Alerts Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures Solution Overview - IntellAgent Agresso Action Overview for Interaction Records and Action Items Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures Solution Overview - Action Overview Business World Field Force Solution Overview – Business World Field Force Summary Business World Financial Management General Ledger Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Fixed Assets Budgeting Business World Procurement Management Requisitions Purchasing Invoice Management Purchase Cards Inventory Management Human Resources and Payroll FEATURES and BENEFITS Solution Overview - Agresso Human Resources (HR) Project Costing and Billing Costing - Time and Expenses Project Invoicing Resource Planning Resource Deployment Self-Service for Project Managers Project Estimates and Tracking Integration With Project Management Tools Contract Management Reporting and Analytics Sophisticated Reporting and Analytics Superior Ad Hoc Queries Role-Based Reporting and Analytics Business Process Automation Document Archive Information Delivery References

UNIT4 Business World is a fully integrated role-focused ERP system, ideal for service or people based organizations that need financial accounting and other back office software integrated with a broader range of core business functions in a single unified system.

It lets you replace traditional ERPs or multiple different systems with a complete, integrated ERP solution that will support you in the future - however your organization or business changes. Built on an innovative and unique Vita architecture, it offers core business functions including:

Over +3200 organizations already use the fully integrated, role-focused UNIT4 Business World ERP system for both operational support and strategic management, across an impressive range of core business functions which include: -

Financial Management

Top-tier core financial/accounting solution, including GL, AP, AR, asset accounting, and others, plus multi-company, multi-currency, and multi-lingual capabilities.

Human Resources & Payroll

Manages all aspects of the hire-to-retire cycle and processes payroll to help get the best from an organization’s most important asset - its staff. Learn more about the HRM Solution.

Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting

Comprehensive database-driven tool for budgeting, forecasting, and planning that replaces the use of multiple, disparate, unlinked spreadsheets.

Project Costing & Billing

Enables optimal use of resources and tight management for all processes in a project from project initiation through to resourcing and costing, to billing, reporting, and analysis.

Procurement Management

Supports, automates and standardizes all stages of the procurement cycle - from requisitioning to paying vendors. This includes identifying the need for a product or service; expenditure approval; electronic data and information exchange with suppliers; goods delivery; expediting and inspection; invoice matching; and payment .

Business Process Automation

Workflow, business alerts, and exception monitoring tools specifically designed for out-of-the box use with all UNIT4 Business World modules. No programming is required, allowing users to quickly implement processes to improve corporate governance, internal controls, and automated procedures.

Reporting & Analytics

Powerful, easy to use tools to meet the diverse information requirements of users across the entire organization. UNIT4 Business World Reporting and Analytics tools are purpose-built and fully integrated across all modules (as opposed to relying on third party bolt-on tools).

Field Service Management & Automation

Management and administration tools for asset maintenance, inventory management, contract management, resource allocation, regulatory reporting, time and billing, and mobile workforce communication. Ideally suited for organizations managing the maintenance of their own or others’ assets or with field-service teams or other mobile workers.

Business Process Automation

Business is dynamic and Agresso knows that an ERP system cannot remain static. Agresso Business Process Automation (BPA) takes the Agresso ERP system to the next level of agility and allows users to fine tune their software in response to business changes. Agresso BPA will transform Agresso ERP into an intelligent proactive business software solution, allowing users to ‘discover and respond,’ to their specific situation and monitor the current state of the business.

Agresso BPA - no programming required The Agresso BPA tool set is specifically designed for out-of-the box use with all Agresso modules - no programming is required. There are three primary tools: Workflow, IntellAgent, and Action Overview. Each can be used alone or in combination with one another.

Features and Benefits

Agresso Workflow for process automation With Agresso Workflow, users can perform visual modeling to intelligently map-out and document processes which manage and proactively push out work assignments. Workflow provides visibility into company-wide processes and allows users to look up a specific employee’s involvement, track and report progress, and review performance metrics.

Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures

Agresso Workflow enables organizations to adhere to operational policies and guidelines. For example, Workflow can:

  • Outline who approves what
  • Enforce approval limits
  • Define the number of authorizers needed to approve a high value item
  • Require reasons and actions when an item is declined, such as the need for more documentation

Solution Overview - Workflow:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop design tools for simple building, and managing of models
  • Version control and tracking of changes to review designs prior to finalization
  • Intelligent validation to ensure logically correct and error-free process models
  • Business rules that govern each step in the process
  • Workflow approval with automatic notification that a task requires attention
  • Automated reminders, escalations and alerts
  • Workflow metrics and statistics to track performance and uncover bottle-necks

Agresso IntellAgent for Business Alerts

Agresso IntellAgent is an alert and response system that allows users to set up events with corresponding actions. IntellAgent takes ‘intelligent’ actions based on monitored data and events and triggers responses such as emailing messages, SMS alerts, running reports, initiating server processes and placing messages in task panes, alert lists and dashboards.

Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures

Agresso’s IntellAgent is an exception monitoring tool which establishes a high level of operational control and risk reduction. For example IntellAgent can:

  • Automatically update a customer status to “on hold” when a credit limit is exceeded
  • Monitor a critical system process and alert the system administrator
  • Send reminders to HR when an employee probation period elapses
  • Notify treasury staff when transaction limits are exceeded
  • Notify staff with new work orders or changed project or activity status
  • Send reminders for timesheet approvals within a specified number of days

Solution Overview - IntellAgent

  • Configurable event definition using simple queries, SQL scripts or directory polling
  • Alert definition for both Agresso and non-Agresso data
  • Triggered response such as file handling, server process initiation, executable commands/scripts
  • Scheduling capabilities to allow users to define frequency of event monitoring

Agresso Action Overview for Interaction Records and Action Items

Agresso Action Overview is a tool to manage key “to do” items associated with any master file or transactions record and to view interaction between all users and the master file. These actions may be tasks, phone calls, generated reports or any other user designated follow-up items.

Corporate Governance, Internal Controls and Procedures

The Agresso Action Overview tool can alert managers and employees alike when time-critical events haven’t occurred. For example Action Overview can act as the vehicle for recording actions performed in response to the prompts such as:

  • Filing a building permit
  • Confirming receipt of a shipment
  • Awarding a project

Solution Overview - Action Overview

  • Features a record of past actions taken and can document future planned actions
  • Links to the document archive allowing users to associate documents to an action
  • Links to workflow enabling processes to automatically create action items

Business World Field Force

Field Force delivers mobile field service and asset maintenance capabilities in one solution to meet the needs of asset maintenance, inventory management, contract management, resource allocation, regulatory reporting, time/billing invoicing, and mobile workforce communication. Field Force enables field service/asset maintenance organizations to manage projects that require ongoing maintenance in a streamlined and transparent way to fulfill high volume, small service order activities.

Increase the speed and quality of response Field Force provides a consolidated and centralized view of the entire service order process. Call center staff and field workers can view, take action and provide real-time updates based on the same set of information. Customers who demand top quality service immediately see the benefits via quicker response times and an increased level of service.

Improve utilization and efficiency of field workers As with all service-centric organizations, the management and efficient use of resources is critical. There are many typical problems organizations can overcome by using Field Force.

  • Eliminate delays in finding resources closest to a service need
  • Increase visibility into the ctivities and locations of mobile workers
  • Decrease missed productivity opportunities because the mobile workforce is cut-off from access to office-based computer applications

Reduce revenue leakage and shorten invoicing cycle times Field Force’s mobile integration capabilities translate into faster invoicing cycles and problem resolution. Mobile field workers are able to accurately account for tasks performed and materials used, update inventory and close the invoice-cycle in real-time while on-the-job.

Analyze overall business operations via performance metrics and reporting The Field Force module is a fully integrated part of the Business World ERP solution suite which provides the ability to view, analyze and report on the entire business operations surrounding Field Service and Asset Maintenance. This functionality allows Management to identify bottlenecks, increase efficiency and gain an unparalleled top-down view. For example:

  • Profitability by work order
  • Average time for task completion
  • Cost break-down for time, material, and ad hoc costs
  • Workload balance by department, skill set, competency, and region

Solution Overview – Business World Field Force

  • A single point of entry for managing customer information, registering, planning resource, planning material, and tracking progress
  • Embedded analytics and reporting for on-demand tracking of time, capacity, skills, financial and inventory management
  • Automated work order registration, inventory and product usage updates
  • Capacity to handle over 2,000 work orders per day
  • Unlimited capture of data via user defined fields
  • Integrated document management
  • Ability to create credit invoices for both products and hours
  • Separate and customized price lists for time and materials
  • Import of products and catalogues with flexible mapping to support different file formats
  • Purchasing optimization to compare prices from different suppliers
  • Out-of-the-box infrastructure for mobile device integration to 3rd party mobile devices


Business World Field Force enables field service/asset maintenance organizations to provide the highest levels of service for today’s demanding customers. Thousands of individual service level agreements (SLA) need to be managed, each with their own unique pricing model. Failure to meet these demands means declining customer satisfaction, serious delivery delays, and invoice errors that impact payments and cash flow.

Business World Field Force addresses these challenges in a practical way – balancing customer satisfaction and business profitability.

Business World Financial Management

Business World Financial Management is an integral part of the Business World solution, a fully-integrated suite of ERP solutions for companies in the professional services and public sectors. It provides automation and all back-office processes for accounting and budgeting.

Financial Management combined with powerful reporting capabilities provides organizations with the capability to do more than just meet financial requirements; organizations are also able to collect and collate a wealth of information to support in-depth business analytics including both financial and non-financial key performance indicators across the organization, supporting overall strategic objectives.

General Ledger

Business World’s General Ledger is an information store for data integrated with all other Business World applications. General Ledger brings together your organization’s actuals and budgets, simultaneously holding statutory information, management information and adjustments.

Business World allows fast and efficient data entry through its user-friendly design, user-defined transaction templates, automatic code completion and automatic reversing and accrual features, among many other features.

Accounts Payable

Business World’s Accounts Payable is fully integrated with General Ledger, Purchasing, Inventory Management Contract Accounting as well as Project and Payroll. It supports user-defined payment terms.

Accounts Payable provides all the vital information about your vendors and their accounts in one vendor master file. The precise make up of each vendor account, including the amounts owed and how long debts have been outstanding, is instantly available. In addition to this standard vendor information, Accounts Payable can be tailored to track the specific information that your organization needs.

Workflow in Accounts Payable allows you to scan invoices centrally and then electronically distribute them for approval. There is no limit to the number of people involved in the approval of an invoice and the workflow engine can be set up to automatically escalate invoices with a higher face value to more senior approvers.

Accounts Receivable

Business World’s Accounts Receivable application covers both the cash collection functionality and the provision of supporting non-financial customer information. It is fully integrated with General Ledger, Fixed Assets, Project Invoicing, Free Text Invoicing and Sales Order Invoicing.

Business World Accounts Receivable has automated procedures for producing reminder letters and charging interest on late payment so you can recover receivables before they are bad debts. Any interest charged is automatically posted to the General Ledger.

Business World Accounts Receivable uses an invoice matching screen for easy payment. This screen displays your choice of criteria --customer name, invoice number and bank account number - to help you find the customer invoice. Payments can be matched automatically, and unpaid invoices can be moved between customers or from customers to vendors.

Workflow in Accounts Receivable can be combined with automated business alerts so you are kept informed about exceptional events like overdue customer invoices or extended credit limits. What’s more, you can be proactive and responsive by tracking actions and their completion. Business World keeps a record of all actions taken, such as phone calls or memos.

Fixed Assets

Business World’s Fixed Assets application handles both the financial accounting rules for fixed assets and the management of assets within an organization. It includes automatic update from General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Purchasing.

Business World Fixed Assets supports multiple depreciation methods and books while supporting linked/composite assets. The automated depreciation function eliminates the need for manual journal and spreadsheet calculations.


Business World’s Budgeting application, called Planner, is fully integrated with Business World Financial Management. Planner models your budgets, storing the information in Business World while maintaining the ease and flexibility of using a spreadsheet for reporting. Planner offers powerful Microsoft Excel functions to automatically update the Business World database from a spreadsheet. Multiple Microsoft Excel workbooks are converted into Business World for data validation and transfer to Business World Financial Management.

Business World Procurement Management

Business World Procurement Management is an integral part of the Business World solution, a fully-integrated suite of ERP solutions for companies in the professional services and public sector. It provides automation and all back-office processes for purchasing, from requisition to invoicing to posting.

Procurement Management combined with Business World’s workflow automation capabilities provides organizations with the capability to automate and standardize their entire purchasing process, from entering requirements to paying vendors. The solution allows both centralized and decentralized processes, enabling more responsive procurement practices without surrendering control.


Automated workflow in Business World’s Requisitions module streamlines the time-intensive process of procurement. The decentralized capabilities of Requisitions make it easier for managers and employees to find and acquire the products, supplies and resources they need - in a timely manner. Business World’s embedded approval processes ensure tight control over purchasing to reduce inefficiencies and ensure correct processes are in place and archived.

Users creating a new requisition have the flexibility to initiate a requisition via the Business World workstation or through self-service via the web. Users can buy from approved vendors, initiate a product search or generate a request for quote. Workflow rules enable requisitions to be automatically routed for approval or modification by supervisors. Status of requisitions can be checked on-line. Automatic reminders can be sent to authorizers, keeping the process moving forward quickly and efficiently.

Once a requisition is approved, it can automatically generate a warehouse order, purchase order or internal order, ensuring accurate and timely fulfillment.

Requisitions saves time for both the person making the requisition and those in the purchasing or warehouse department, as they no longer need to respond to sourcing questions, spend time on the telephone, or process manual paperwork. It improves the flow of information around the organization so there is complete visibility of all purchases. Finally, by speeding up the procurement process, operational delays can be avoided, improving productivity.


Business World’s Purchasing module provides back-office support for the purchasing process and integrates with General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Inventory Management, Sales Ordering and Contract Accounting. Purchasing provides control and information across multiple vendors, products, rule sets, languages and payment terms.

The automated expenditure controls in Purchasing-including budgetary controls, authorization linked to roles, spending, limits and invoice matching -ensures optimum use of the organization’s financial resources. And the eProcurement functionality delivers time- and money-saving benefits that were once reserved only for the largest organizations. XML receipt of order confirmation ensures that the maximum number of invoices can be matched automatically, saving time and freeing staff to focus on exceptions.

Finally, the powerful reporting capabilities of Purchasing give critical information for the organization to achieve the best possible terms from suppliers. What’s more, report views of purchasing information can easily be changed as the organizational needs evolve.

Invoice Management

Invoice Management delivers the power and functionality of specialized financial workflow tools, yet maintains a simplicity and intuitive ease of use that allows all parties–even infrequent users–to benefit.

Business World efficiently manages invoices with a variety of features, including XML input, scanned documents, OCR scanning, purchase order matching, workflow distribution and ledger posting.

These provide significant advantages, including:

  • Decreased circulation time
  • Reduced errors
  • Reduced documents costs
  • Improved archive management
  • Better financial control

Purchase Cards

The Business World Purchase Cards functionality provides “pre-approval” to employees so they can purchase high volume/low value items without going through the standard purchase process. This eliminates the overhead associated with managing numerous individual transactions. Business World automatically posts purchase card transactions to the appropriate accounts, further streamlining the process.

Inventory Management

The Inventory Management in Business World provides the ability to value inventory from an accounting perspective, while ensuring that operations are able to acquire the inventory needed to meet production requirements. It integrates with Purchasing to simplify optimization of inventory levels and ensure that delivery deadlines are met while costs are minimized.

Integration with Sales Order Processing

Integration of the sales order processing with Business World Procurement Management allows a salesperson to confirm inventory levels, delivery dates and pricing when placing an order.

Human Resources and Payroll

Agresso realizes that Human Resources (HR) and Payroll are cornerstone activities for all enterprises that need to be built on a foundation of defined business processes and up-to-date information. Agresso offers fully integrated Human Resources (HR) and Payroll functionality allowing personnel and payroll departments to access, process and operate while managing all aspects of the hire-to-retire cycle and process payroll.


Central hub of all HR information Agresso HR features a single centralized resource master file record and integrated document management. An unlimited variety of user-definable information fields can be created to define a complete employee record.

Ease of use Agresso adopts Windows user interface standards which equate to lower training time and costs, and increases user adoption. Configuration to suit the needs of HR users can easily be accomplished by HR staff without the need for IT support.

Employee self-service Agresso HR is web-enabled, which allows employees to manage common administrative tasks via secured internet self-service. Management has the option of using workflow support for approvals and verification prior to updating personal records.

Security and system administration Agresso offers integrated system-wide administration and security to protect employee information and segregate payroll, personnel and project management data. Agresso enables IT departments to establish audit trails and implement internal control policies as required.

Management reporting and analysis Agresso integrates business process automation and analysis tools across all modules which allows HR managers to report, analyze and perform metrics across their operations.

Complete payroll solution Agresso Payroll supports organizations with large and complex payrolls whereby employee payments and deductions, pay rates and allowances and other calculations are derived.

Solution Overview - Agresso Human Resources (HR)

  • Absence monitoring and tracking to facilitate integration to Payroll for occupational and statutory pay as well as full absence management reporting.
  • Competence analysis to enable HR to define the organization’s skills matrix and to identify strengths of employees and applicants.
  • Recruitment support which collects applicant data and competencies and tracks the hire process with business alerts and reminder tasks.
  • Training Administration for HR departments to design personal development programs and raise the competence level of employees.
  • Absence monitoring and analysis that identifies repeat patterns which can indicate stress related illnesses, potential job dissatisfaction or other problems.
  • Employee travel and expenses to calculate allowances and process the reimbursem*nt of expenses.
  • Resource planning and deployment integration to maximize employee and enterprise efficiency.
  • Word and Excel integration to automate the creation of employee and applicant letters, forms and reports based on master file data.
  • Complete payroll configuration and unlimited payments and deductions (P&D) codes can be defined to create distinct pay structures.
  • Functionality for payroll simulation, re-runs, reversal and back pay calculations to ensure accuracy, efficiency and timeliness.
  • Simplified administration of payroll by defining employees by position.
  • General Ledger analysis that is linked to different positions to ensure accurate allocation of costs.

Project Costing and Billing

Agresso Project Costing and Billing is an integral part of the Agresso Business World solution, a fully-integrated suite of ERP solutions for companies in the professional services and public sectors. It provides far-reaching control over all the people, processes and costs that go into a successful project.

Project Costing and Billing combined with Agresso’s workflow automation capabilities can better control projects to maximize resources and ensure project success. With process automation and standardization, the overhead required to administer projects-whether they are simple internal tasks or complex, multinational contracts-can be greatly reduced. At the same time, project execution can be enhanced, full attribution of costs can be precisely assigned and invoicing and collections can become more efficient.

Agresso’s Project Costing and Billing provides the necessary control required to ensure a successful project. From project definition and cost capture to invoicing and performance monitoring, it uses powerful automation tools to streamline administrative tasks, while providing managers with in-depth information for maximum visibility and control. Because Project Costing and Billing integrates with Agresso’s Procurement Management application, its power drives greater purchasing efficiencies on projects while ensuring that accurate information is provided to all back-office processes. The result is profitable projects that finish on time, on target and on budget.

Project Costing and Billing provides a flexible structure that can be adapted to address virtually any project scenario, no matter how complex, how diverse the resources required or how long the project’s duration. Agresso Business World can easily handle projects that span multiple years. Multiple employee types, compensation rules, vendors and time-tracking methods can be defined, deployed and managed with ease.

The Project master file acts as the central repository for project information and management. In addition to accepting inputs via Agresso Business World, electronic documents can be attached, such as scanned contracts, drawings, websites or Microsoft Project files to the project record. This creates a single, coherent view of the entire project, streamlining management and analysis.

Comprehensive reporting ensures that project managers are forewarned of potential problems. At the same time, these reports provide a powerful informational tool that allows financial oversight for closely monitoring cash flow and maximizing profitability.

Costing - Time and Expenses

Costing - Time and Expenses makes it easier to capture costs, expenses and purchases and automatically apply them to the project, as well as other areas in Agresso (for example, Payroll or Invoice Management). Self-service functionality via the internet allows employees to enter their own timesheets. Timesheets can be customized to record time and costs in virtually any way needed and they include support for flextime.

In addition, Agresso can automatically track time through external devices such as time-clock cards, tracking both costs and attendance. Business processes, like purchase authorization, can be automated, with customizable business rules enforced to ensure that costs stay within budget.

Project Invoicing

The Project Invoicing module ensures that all costs are properly passed on to customers, automating many day-to-day tasks to reduce administrative demands on project managers. Not only does this ensure timely cash flow, it frees project managers to focus on delivering value on the project, enhancing customer satisfaction. Further, Agresso gives complete flexibility in invoice format and methods so the invoice can be easily delivered according to the customer’s preferences, which helps avoid exceptions and payment delays.

Resource Planning

Resource Planning uses gap analysis to reconcile the resources that exist, the resources needed to complete the project (and future projects) and the resources already allocated to other projects. Resource Planning allows modeling of numerous “what-if” scenarios, making it easy to identify the optimum mix of people and resources. Agresso will identify if and when new employees or contractors need to be brought on board and how they should be allocated to projects.

Resource Deployment

Once project managers identify the resource demands of a project, Resource Deployment can automate many of the steps needed to activate them, such as sending hiring requirements to Human Resources or pushing tasks out to internal workers via assignment calendars.

Self-Service for Project Managers

Secure, on-line access puts all the planning, estimating and invoicing tools at the project manager’s fingertips, allowing them to securely access these functions 24/7 via the internet.

Project Estimates and Tracking

Unlike stand-alone spreadsheet applications, project managers can use this integrated module to import vital information from other areas of Agresso Business World, such as Resource Planning, to simplify project estimation. In addition, this information can then be carried directly into the budget portion of Project Costing and Billing, greatly streamlining the entire budgeting process.

Integration With Project Management Tools

Agresso’s Project Costing and Billing module integrates seamlessly with popular third-party tools such as Microsoft Project, allowing users to leverage both products effectively.

Contract Management

The Contract Management functionality offers the ability to define contract terms for outsourced services, products and time, and then track those outsourced resources to ensure contracted costs and invoicing adhere to the terms of the contract.

Reporting and Analytics

Agresso Reporting and Analytics is an integral part of the Agresso Business World solution, a fully-integrated suite of ERP solutions for companies in the professional services and public sectors. It provides the agility to quickly and inexpensively analyze and report on an unlimited number of business scenarios and parameters.

Reporting and Analytics has a depth of agility and power that is unmatched by the market’s traditional ERP leaders. This stems from Agresso’s unique architecture, which integrates an organization-wide information warehouse and business process together with its reporting and analytics capabilities.

No Third-Party Bolt-on Reporting Tools Agresso Business World, unlike other ERP systems, was specifically designed to provide in-depth and agile reporting and analytics for organizations without relying on third-party reporting solutions. The Solution does accommodate third-party tools as desired.

The benefits of an integrated reporting and analytics tool include:

  • Lower maintenance cost and effort. Systems that rely on third-party reporting tools require skilled IT intervention and significant costs when changes are made to one of the components (e.g. upgrades). With Agresso, the transactional database and reporting tools are unified.

  • Unlike third-party tools, there is no need to define a separate data dictionary or to provide ongoing maintenance as business requirements evolve.

  • Changes made to the information in Agresso are immediately and seamlessly reflected in all reports. Operational reporting can be re-aligned almost immediately by retaining both old and new hierarchies.

Sophisticated Reporting and Analytics

Agresso’s Reporting and Analytics capability fulfills the most demanding management reporting and regulatory-driven requirements. In addition, it easily handles standard reporting requirements such as monthly income, expenses or aging reports.

As organizations need more than just standard reports; the level of detail required or methods of analysis can change depending on the project. Agresso easily adapts to the ever-changing reporting and analytics needs of the organization.

Superior Ad Hoc Queries

There is virtually no limit to the amount of data that can be retrieved for in-depth analysis. Agresso’s underlying structure allows the capture and analysis of all business information in the system, from any source application.

Role-Based Reporting and Analytics

Information can be combined from anywhere within Agresso Business World, including Financial Management, Procurement Management, Human Resources and Payroll, Project Costing and Billing, as well as from external systems. Users can set up report templates for quick and regular use.

The key to agility in Agresso Reporting and Analytics is that at a moment’s notice, users can completely change how the information is captured and viewed in Agresso – all that changes is the criteria. Different people can view the same information from entirely different perspectives. Or, a manager can present one set of findings to report on monthly earnings and use the same information in another format to justify moving the business in a new direction.

Agresso’s agile reporting and analytics tools allow business modeling and robust ýwhat-ifý scenario analysis that can drive business change and positively impact the bottom-line.

Business Process Automation

Agresso takes reporting and analytics to the next level by providing the ability to eliminate the manual generation of reports, allowing the user to focus on exceptions and critical actions required. Automatically generated e-mail messages indicating that an event or exception has occurred that requires attention and human intervention. Agresso Business Process Automation can also trigger system tasks, including ordering reports and running queries.

Document Archive

The integrated Document Archive feature links external files to transactions or master file information as a simple drill down. All varieties of external files are supported such as scanned images, Microsoft Excel workbooks, Microsoft Word documents or hyperlinks to Web pages.

Information Delivery

Agresso Business World was developed with an emphasis on unlimited information access of structured and unstructured data, and provides unprecedented analytics capabilities. Organizations can:

  • Publish inquiries and reports to web sites, portals and intranets, or wherever it is convenient for each user level to access relevant information
  • Create ad hoc inquiries through an intuitive graphical interface, identical in all modules
  • Make inquiry templates available to specific groups of users
  • View inquiry results through a multitude of channels; on-line screens, e-mailed Microsoft Excel workbooks and Word documents
  • Take advantage of unlimited roll-up, drill-down and drill-around capabilities
  • Sort, format or filter reports on an ongoing basis without the need for technical assistance
UNIT4 Business World | Reviews, Pros, Cons, Overview (2024)


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.