The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)


Pots, S'tkl 16a. House for SaU la. Antes for Sate f. LLas )1(SIMimOTlEIE 1936 Dodge Tudor 1936 Ford Tudor 1937 Ford Coupe 1938 Chevrolet Coupe 1939 Ford Tudor 1939 Chevrolet Coach $495.00 1939 Mercury Fordor Boggus Motor Co. Phone 312 Harlingen "HOME OF LIFETIME GUARANTEED USED CARS" 18.

REAL ESTATE NEWLY refinished 4-room home. one block from high school on paved highway, all modern con-veniences. 1406 E. Harrison. Make me price.

Phone 60 or 1432. Harlingen. Schwingel Swope REALTORS Efficient Property Manage ment, Groves, Farms, City Property, Loans, Insurance, Rentals. S. Main 2nd Floor PHONE 860 McALLEN UK1CK HOME FOR SALE 12,200 buys a new small brick home and 5 acres of well-located land.

Gas. electricity, running water and telephone service available. No city taxes. Just right for small family and ft bargain. $25 per acre will buy 800 acre of good, undeveloped land in northeastern Cameron County.

This property should be developed r.ow. LLOYD PARKER OLMITO. TCXAS- A Beautiful Girl Wants A Husband Oh yes. she is a lovelv airl. Sh ft MEDLEY ion rurvonr ti mmnn wvwi m.toi,x 1937 FORD TUDOR, original 1937 FORD COUPE, txcellent condition 00 1940 FORD BUSINESS COUPE, radio is enrtti oirl Ska All Cars Furnished With Duration Of Ownership1 Service Policy I MEDLEY MOTOR Inc.

Ford Mercury Sales Service Phone 15 real man a real wife, young man. yu ininK a gin tnat would be intereutfrl in you hope to some day marry a girl WESLACO BUICK'S BETTER BUYS 1940 Plymouth DeLuxe Coach 1938 Buick Special Sedan 1938 Chrysler Royal Sedan $525.00 1938 Oldsmobile Trunk Sedan $345.00 1937 Ford Tudor, a good one $245.00 1937 Ford DeLuxe Tudor $195.00 1936 Dodge Pick-Up $145.00 li prove rt uch home, make it right with her todnv home' -V. east side large rooms through- our. us a nome see it. New 5-room F.H.A.

hnm. nn 1ar Ti, bath nd kitchen, A nome for only $2,730.00. Only $23.50 per month for all. Eight-room frame close in. nnlv $2730.00.

$500 00 cash. Lovely surburban- brpml FHA hrirlr hnm. nit, of Rround with a beautiful bearing grove. Gas. water and lisht.

n.vS "tree j. res. Beautiful floors, blind. street. Yes.

beautiful floors tit Large 8-room dudex. Rent nnm side live in the other. fni- nished and only $3250.00 1300 Of) Don't wait just call 139. Willinprham Realty Harlingen 16b. Lota for Sale RESTRICTED residence sites.

100 fhen' mWir. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Thompson'! Mortuary Johi. T. Thompson rt Emergency It Private Ambulance Adequate Facilities, Reasonable Cost. experienced Personnel Fnone 256 Harlingen STOTLER BURDETTE MORTUARY InsUnt and RcUablt Ambulant Service Phone 555 Harltafea FLORISTS PLETCHER'S FLORISTS The Valley'i rtnett Prompt Free Delivery Phone 340 Harlingen Tel.

723 Harlingen 1 AUTOMOBILES la. Autoa for Sal FOR SALE 113 W. Buchanan, brick-V, double garage $3250.00. Small payment down, balance like rent Owned by non-resident. R.

L. LESTER FOR SALE; 1938 Plymouth fordor sedan by owner. Also 1939 V8 truck in perfect condition, cheap. Miller's Grocery, Lyford. Texas.

Repossessions 1939 BUICK Special Sedan. Radio-Taint Like New. 1937 CHEVROLET Tudor Sedan. Complete Motor Overhaul, Either car may be had by payment of past due install, ments and assume balance. L.

HEAD Finance Co. Madison Hotel Harlingen Phone 433 11. Trailers For Sale HOUSE TRAILER New. 18-foot trailer arranged for two people. AH ready to jo.

Reduced to cash price of "TLER CAMP Mission 2. BUSINESS OPPOR, WANTED: 500 responsible farmers to paraktel under contract. More money than in rhickens. Snake King, Brownsville. 2a.

Business for Sale f*ck SAUK Store, 50x60, tile stucco at Prosreso. Rented. Cost $13,000, two lots, 3 room house at rear Stock and 'future, can be bought reasonably, clear. Bargain S3. 500.

John Gibson, La Feria. 300 BUYS $1200 drive in restaurant inside dancing, excellent business. Must sHcnfire, government po.sitiou. Will take $300 down. The Flower Pol, Harlineen-San Benito highway, or Box 1363, Har- Imcen.

10 tuner ousmess reasons, a nicv small paying business for I i sale. Apply Box 433. San Juan, Tex WELL-EQUlPrED print shop for sale, very cheap on account of ill health of owner. Cah consider some other arransoments. Write Box S3, e-o Herald.

Brownsville. FOB SALE: Income property paying per cent on $4,600 00 investment Value 'will increase yearly. Womoldorf's, S. Main, MoAllon 4iuSINESS SERVICES 4. Beauty Shops TEAUTIFUL permanent wave or calp treatment.

Call Amaya's Beauty Shop, 12:55 Adams, phone 1605, Brownsville. Set 25c Hot oil scalp treatment, shampoo and set elect net in ieleciMc 'Manicure ihot oil Sr A LL Tl 1 REE FOR. 90c Dry 10c Extra Opening for student to earn tuition Holtry's College Of Beauty Culture 303 E. Harrison Harlingen HOlStTGllisT" PHARR Mrs. Slocum has had as her house cue.t htr Mr.

George Mitchell Mi.ssnm. upen week Day Evenings Until 10 P. M. LEHMAN'S Opposite Sears, Roebuck Heritage- 4. BUSINESS SERVICES 4.

Florist NumrUi ROSES: 35c dozen. Cut flowers, cor. ages, designs, flowering shrubs. Free delivery. Tropical Nursery.

pnone 160-J, Brownsville. 4k. Printing. Of flee Supplies Get your INVENTORY SHEETS, ANALYSIS PADS ft NEW YEAR OFFICE SUPPLIES AT BISHOP'S PRINT SHOP 1108 Elizabeth Brownsville 4o. Typewriter RtpMStrr.

WE SELL, rent and renair all makes of typewriters. Phone 1105 Smith Typewriter Exchange, Brownsville. "BELIEVE IT OR NOT" We Know We Know TYPEWRITERS Exclusive Sales Agent UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS SUNSTRAND ADDING MACHINES Since 1927 Fred R. Scroggins 115 So. First Harlingen Phone 295 4q.

Photo Supplies, Equip. ALFRED TAMM Maps BLUE PRINTING AND SUPPLIES ONE DAY SERVICE Blue Printing, Photo Prints, Engineering, Architect and Artist Supplies. Drafting 107 I. First St Harlingen 4r. Upholstering FURNITURE repaired, upholstered and refinished.

Phone 484, 418 cast narnsoa Belden Furniture. Harlingen. FURNITURE repaired, refinished. Porch curtains, slip covers. Phone 305 West Jefferson, Port City Tent Awning Brownsville, 5.

PERSONALS REV. JOSEPH P. MORGAN, spirit-ual advisor on all business, life. neaun arrairs daily. 825 St.

Fran-cis Brownsville. 3. EMPLOYMENT 6a. Halo WantedMale GENERAL blacksmith, able to nanaie electric welding, 50-30 oasis, Stevens Shop, high way souin ena Lyrord. work with a good income in the Valley.

Apply 222 North A. Harlingen. BOOKKEEPER nrefer young married man. Must be industrious, sober, neat. Write full qualifications.

Box A-117, c-o aiar. Harlingen. a week sound good? The average pay is even more in auto body-fender work. Get started easily, Learn quickly spare time. Autografts Training 100-A, co star, Harlingen.

DISHWAHSER wanted for drive- inn. Apply at Llndy's. Elizabeth and San Benito Highway, Borwns- viue. WANTED: Agent to handle a na-tionally known product in Rio Grande Valley. Must have $250.00 capital, Write Post Office Bo 611, v-orpus wvristi, Texas, VALLEY branch of a national organization has an opening for an American and Latin-American to sell on the installment plan our silverware, electric Irons, umiiAcii, uecis.

nea piDiea ana other household furnishings. Earnings paid daily. nppiy Third street, Mercedes. 6b. Help Wanted Female LADY to assist in takina ear of my Valley customers of Luzier cosmetics, advertised in all publications of American Medical As sociation.

Must be capable of earning 33.uu per week and fur-nishing A-l references. Address C. L. Rice, Cortej Hotel. Weslaco, Texas.

WANTS' fV Whit. housework. References reauired. 921 E. Polk, or call 1443.

Hariin- gen, WANTED: White girl to live on place. Mrs. Joe B. Phillips, tele-phone 732, Harlingen. WANTEDS Refined, reliable, middle-aged woman for cooking and care of two children.

Box 113, e-o Star, Harlingen. YOUR OWN DRESSES FREE and up to $23 weekly just showing mon rTocKs to mends. No experience needed. No investment j-ashion FROCKS. Dept.

R-8772, Cincinnati, u. 6c Salesmen-Aqents WANTED: Two automobile sales-men to sell popular make auto-mobile. Salary and commission. For interview write Box 51, care of Star, Harlingen. HAVE good proposition for tales- man that will really work.

Also man with announcing posibilities aiiiiScn, asm Apply oiuviue, exas. GOOD Watkins route open now in utuwiuviuf. iso car or experience necessary. Watkins Company larg-est and best known and products rasiesi soia. usual earninEs $20 to a week.

Write J. R. WATKINS l-umpany. 70-92 w. Iowa Ave Memphis, Tenn.

RECOVFR SAN JUAN J. R. and T. Lemen and Henry Kristek are back work after being confined to their fcomei with the flu. fine 12th or la.

Autoa for Sal FM a lUDUrv $295 00 paint Your Buick Dealer Phone Models Chevroletfr Fords A O1 WOAO Sedan $835 '38 Chrysler $525 1 Royal Sedan, for serviea. radio. Ready '38 Chevrolet Coupe. '37 Willys Sedan 37 Plymouth $295 '37 Chevrolet '39 DeSoto Sedan CADILLAC 210 Commerce 4. BUSINESS SERVICES 4f.

Heating. Plumbing PLUMBING fixtures, general repairing. No down payment with CI.T. financing. Mayorga Plumbing phone 1644, Brownsville.

Vapo Gas Systems A 1 auivv your moaernuatton problems. We carry a large atock ppnnces and supplies. Bingley Motor Co. San Benito at a. Situation Wanted xwaw, experienced in changing varieties, pursery and yuun Srove culture, budding, esti mating, labor.

Would like per manent connection. Box A-116, ouir, narungen. MIDDLE aged trained nurse desires employment, full nr nrt t. to go tuiywhere. Inquire 640 oecona street, Mercedes.

YOUNG man (25V. married, no chil dren, nonest. dependable, sober, working, experienced in stowing and marketing vegetables end citrus. Also experienced as major company gas station opera tor and grocery clerk. Until re.

cently employed as manager of uon Juan Ranch. Will accept position witn any company that promises advancement and needs a man that, will work for their Interest at all times. See or write A. w. Sowell.

Santa Rosa. 8. FINANCIAL 9a. Real Estate) Loans Loans A. and Commercial Loans R.

N. Jones 217 Embee Bldg. Phone 414 Harlingen F. H. A.

Farm Loans Valley-Wide To Build, Refinance And Repair. GUNN INSURANCE AGENCY 1312 Beaumont Avenue McAllen 9b. Auto Loans AUTOMOBILE LOANS Refinancing General Insurance M. Bailey Bennett Tire ft Supply weslaco $5 to $300 ON YOUR AUTO First and Second LEIN 1 to 18 Months to Pav Refinancing Longer Terms Smaller Pavmnta Magnolia Finance Co. 122 W.

Van Buren Harlingen Phone 1068 ans on Aufotnokila BLOCKER, WHITE DABNEY AUTO LOANS GENERAL INSURANCE pvA. 1320 Harlinsen uver rim National Bank 10. FOR SALE USED BARGAINS Traded on BUTANE OAS In-stallations Gasoline Range. 3 Kerosene Circulating Heaters 4 Kerosene Ranges and Cookers 1-74 ft. GE Refrigerator EASY TERMS HARDIN GAS APPUANCB 835 Elizabeth BrownivMs 10c.

For Sale. Mlie. T. "wwkw ue juu uuioransen mr equal vaiue, lactory made, steel broiler batteries second hand in good shape, George rsaua, narr. FOR SALE: Tree-ripened oranges.

ou to 78 cents per bushel, S. J. Smith, end of E. Washington street, narnngen. FOR SALE: 7-foot Leonard electric refrigerator, 1 mile east of Ls eria on highway FOR SALE: Fertiluer, 75 cents per ion, Arroyo side Dairy on Dil- worm road.

HarUngen. FOR SALE: Double poinsettia cut tings. 5c each. E. W.

Kemble, 3rd nouse south Mornmgside road, Aiamo. BARGAIN: Rebuilt Ford sedan. 1BJB; nearly new engine. White toilet seat. Call at 911 E.

Washing- ton Street, Brownsville. CHEAP for cash: 9x12 rugL Singer sewing machine, electric sweeper. vanity oresser. Must sell immed- iately. 448 Stell Apartments.

No. 7. Brownsville. FRESH Jersey milk right from the cow each morning, 6:30 to 8:00 o'clock by gallon. Wallace Farm.

Four blocks south Arroyo Bridse. Harlingen. GOOD USED RADIOS You will find a large selection of used radios at the GOODRICH SILVERTOWN STORE. 400 S. E.

in Brownsville. FTectrie battery sets Table or Console modeit. Priced from $3.00 up. lagy "wm. WU1CK LO 10c For Sale.

Misc. Used Concrete For steppi stones, jock gardens. Also some side walk sections. Will trade for old shingles or other material. In market for OLD BUILDINGS Any kind, anywhere.

Lumberman Phone fel7 I t-angrord Brownsvill lOh. Machinery. Equipment TWO Erie electric gasoline pumps. new-compressor, luosters, etc. Cheap, or trade.

Phone 1061. naningen. 32-VOLT Dolrn T.lsht vine, reaay xor operation, cheap vi. dux ao, namngen. MAntiL top dresser and wash tand.

One 6x9 rug. One mile easi or La reria on highway. HAVING COMPLETED our clear ing program, our clearing eauin ment is for sal or rent consisting oi xwo rub caterpillar tractors witn otner necessary equipment Aaams uaraens, Incorporated. FOR SALE: Farmall tractor, plant-er and cultivator, good as new. cash or terms or will trade for came.

1.000-gallon cypress tank xor iia. Also 10-month-old thor ougnorea Hereford bull. D. ADney Phone 60TJ2-F-21 Edinburgh Specia Caterpillar "25" Tractor In First Class Condition Special This Week $295 ValleHniplement Co. John Deere Dealer Phone 475 415 N.

Commerce Harlingen 10g. Feed and Fuel New Jersey Grown Certified RUTGERS It STOKES DALE Tomato Seed Oklahoma Seed Corn Custom Grinding and Mixing F. G. Jackson FEED STORE 119 No. Commerct HarUngen Feeds Grimsell Manufactured POULTRY STOCK Ingredients Guaranteed By Statt PILLSBURY SHORTS BRAN FRANK GRIMSELL SEED CO.

Harlingen-San Benito 10L Seeda, Planta. Flowera SEEDS Nebraska Dry Land No. 1 and Certified SEED POTATOES TOMATO SEED Packed, Sealed, Grown by SEED CORN Chickasha Seed Growers Ail Varieties FRANK GRIMSELL SEED CO. Harlingen-San Benito 11. LIVESTOCK 11a.

Dogs. Cats. Pets FOR SALE: Registered Toy Fox Terrier, female, age one year. Beautifully marked, reasonable. Pletchers Flower Shop, Harlin gen.

WANTED: 800 responsible farmers to raise parakeets under contract. More money than in chickens Snake King. Brownsville. lib. Horses.

Cattle FOR SALE: Six-year-old quarter norse witn white mane and tail. A good saddle and roping horse, well bred, gentle and well man- nered. See Chas. Whitney at the Star office or inauire at 725 W. Lincoln, phone II95.J.

Harlingen. FOR SALE: Two springer Jersey cows. Good work mule. See J. osborne, Mile I 1-2 and 7 1-4, Weslaco, lie Poultry Supplies PALM GARDENS HATCH inrcv Harlingen, starts Monday, 13th Custom Hatching 2 cents nor chick.

Bring eggs Monday. LARGEST nrnrfmti and males and in Siouthwest. Prices nn hiphp si i(. sv a At tnan ror common chicks. HOP ires out of 232-312 egg hens.

Laiaiog rree. DIXIE POULTRY FARMS, Box 204, Brenham, Tex. The a vera mobile tire has inertaied from 11.000 to 58 0n mil. WANTED TO BUY: A female Pe- xingese dog, must be pedigreed or subject to registration. Also want fine Persian cat Call 235 or McAllen, or write Box 697.

12. WANTED TO BUY 12a. MlactUaneua WANTED TO RENT or buy: Elec tric hammer-drill. R. J.

Johnson. Box 1332. HarUngen. WANTED TO BUY: Used safe, adding machine, typewriter, show cases, filing cabinet and shelving. oox A-m, c-o star, HarUngen.

12b. Let's Swap WANTED: House trailer as down payment on new room house in Kaymondville or Weslaco. C. A. rainwater, Raymondville.

13. LOST FOUND LOST: Boy's brown pigskin glove peiween atn and 13th on Van Buren. Finder please call 1294-J or 1038, Harlingen. CTDiVvn. i i clj.

-air ig Day mare mules. PJ cue notify Kurt Rich-1 ler, tt-lmera. Route 1. HarUngen. 14.

RENTALS 14a. Apartments FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartments, houses. Desirable bedrooms. Listings appreciated. Mrs.

j. Swann, phone 1169-W narungen. FOR RENTAL PROPERTY see Mrs. cinei Parker, 109 Van Buren. pnone uzu.

Hariin; EXCEPTIONALLY well furnished ura ruunu, one with twin beds. S40.00 monthlv Phone 633. Harlingen. NEW FURNISHED apartment for Dosure FOR RENT: Furnished or unfur- MI11UI- nished three-room annrimsn) cnuaren or pets. 1130 West Eliza- oexn, Brownsville.

NICELY furnished apartment, mod- eraieiy priced, close in. Utilities paid. Nel-Roy, phone 642, Glen- wooo, pnone 1512. Brownsville. FOR RENT: Cabins for two, $3.00 per wee, utilities naid.

Snanish tM -uUru HarUnen Ray mondville Highway. KITCHENETTE 7 Tpffll mattress. Private bath 302 E. Harrison. Harlingen.

THREE ROOM furnished apart- iitntii cai, birc iroiux. inquire 117 West Wash mgton, Harlingen. 14b. Rooms ROOM and board for men only. Ad- roiK, ttarilngen, Mrs u.

wance. NICELY furnished room in West nrownsville. Private entrance Reasonable. Phone 1378, Browns- vine. Mo Houiei FOR RENT: Three bedroom house.

Maids roorri. Venetian blinds. Double garage. $45.00. on premises, uio Maple.

McAllen. FOUR-ROOM stucco, unfurnished. XJouble garage, servants' Quarter 2031 West Madison, phone 1558 or 1 1 Brownsville SEVEN-KOOM cottage, modern: electric stove, hot water heater. refrigerator. Fruit for family use.

Garage. Permanent. Three miles out 14th street. A. C.

Capron, El jarain Hotel, Brownsville, STRICTLY modern, 6-room. well furnished stucco house for rent or sale. Phone 377, Brownsville. SIX-ROOM housf, comfortably fur- nisnea. Beautiful yard.

Five acres ground. Two miles out of I Brownsville on Port road. $75 month. C. C.

Wents, phone 238, Brownsville. U.f Land for Rent FOR RENT: 25 acres of good land with good 8-room house. Located 4 miles east of Brownsville on s.iwajr, nine uuin I of Brownsville turning basin. See I. Bearden on premises.

Boca Chica highway. 1 mile south prerrtise 16. REAL ESTATE 16a. Houses for Sale U10 E. MADISON, aix-room modern Attractive.

Large yard. beautiful shrubbery, easy terms Phone. 1121 or 1097-W. Harlingen. FOR SALE: 7-room house, two-car garage, in town of New Paltz.

New York. $5,000. Ira Robinson. Hieh. 4(11114, IV, FIVE-ROOM frame house, furnish-ed.

On 50-foot lot. fronting pavement, 1630 Grant Street. Price $1500 cash. Apply 1630 Grant Street, Brownsville 7-ROOM modern house. $2500.00 with $600 00 down.

$14 18 monthly. Has income of $50.00 monthly. 2011 Austin, McAllen. FOR SALE: 3-unit furnished apart ments, iz.500.0u. Income $70.00 monthly.

$400.00 will handle. See W. C. Etchison. or write Box 812, Pharr.

FOUR-ROOM modern home in Pharr. Fully furnished. All util. ities. This house real bargain.

$1900 00. easy terms. Womeldorfs. 214 South Main. McAllen.

FOR SALE by owner: 20-acre or chard. 9-year-old. pinks and oranges. One of the best groves in the Valley, has had exceptionally good care. Can show receipts for better than 15 per ctnt clear profit net for the last three years.

This year's crop to go with orchard. Elderly coupe wish to retire. A real bargain, write box 741. McAMpn. Texas.

Between McAllen and Pharr, north of tj 34 See xjuu. All utilities plus irrigation 7 for trees. Very reasonable price and terms to home builders. TOnly three blocks from Mercedes high school. Elizabeth M.

Riess, Mer-cedes, Texas. Specials on Plymouths Dodges Sedans Coaches Coupes lnn i ivv nrysier 1940 Oldsmobile "70" 1939 Plymouth Coach 1939 Buick-41 Sedan Many Other Models and Lower Prices I Ferguson Motor CompanV CHRYSLERPLYMOUTH Phone 1375 Harlingen 602 W. Jackson Come To BrowdeKs For We set the pace for Used Car bargains! Our reputation for honesty and reliable values is behind every sale! Money Talks $300 ouys good 50 100 foot building site on Lincoln Street ia Victoria Heights. $600 buys large east front lot In Lot fcoanos. 70 140 feet In size, $3000 buyslagre 5-room atuer home with breakfast room, garage and storage room.

Well located on West Levee Street, $500 cash; balance $32 50 per month including principal, Interest and taxes. $3500 buys one of the nicest 5-room brick veneer homes in Lot Ebanoe with breakfast room, front and back porches, port cochere and garage. $750 cash; balance $33.73 per month Including principal, ta won ana taxes, S. C. GRAHAM ft CO.

REALTORS fnone 179 Marine Arcadt Bid. Brownsville 16c. Firm Ranches rpi -I nomas, Mercedes Hotel MprrsHco TWa. OFFERS 1. Good 20-guest room, brick and stone hotel.

Dining room to seat 100 PP equipped kitchen. Good Kansas. Want good orcharl Valley. 2 160 atrei two west of lola, Kansas, on paved highway U. S.

54. Fine location. Seven.rnnm hnm concrete cave, tile chicken ouse and brooder, horse ham concrete silo, concrete blockmilk nouse, concrete block cow barn, with stanchions. 60 acres of pasture, balance in cultivation, alfalfa and other feed. 14 fine cows, several calves, 30 chickens, and all kinds of farm machinery.

Want good farm improved in Valley. 4. Valley property of every kind. Tourist camps, restaurants, fine oil and gas stations. Also, bargains in orchards and Valley home for trade.

me for further details. 16. For Sale or Trado FOR SALE OR TRADE Apartment house located on twt lots on corner in best section. 4 apartments, furnished, with private baths. Also fifteen acres of fine rege-table land.

Will trade for stock farm in Central Texas or farm near San Antonio or Austin. Call or write us if you art Interested. Todd 6i Stobaugh HOLC Management Brokers 434 Eleventh Street Pfcac 1Q SrowBivUIa I 37 Plymouth $295 DeLuxe Coupe, Al Condition in every way. "39 Plymouth Coach '39 Ford Tudor $545 '38 Buick Coach '39 DeSoto Sedan '36 Pontiac Coupe $245 Browder Motor Company OLDSMOBILE G.M.C. TRUCKS Harlingen TAH MONITOR.

HERALD Harlingen McAllen Brewnsvillt Published every Sunday by the Valley Publishing Co. at HarUngen Texas Entered as second claw matter Sfpt 30, im st me Post Off.ce at Harlingen Texas, under the Act of 'ion 3 1878 Phone 608 4b. Cleaner. Hatters. Tailo? SHIRTS laundered, 10c, at the Snow White Laundry and Cleaners.

530 Thirteenth Phone 131, Brownsville. 4d. Builders. Contractors Large, Beautiful Selection" LIGHT FIXTURES For All Wiring and Electrical Needs ee us Easy Terms MATZ ELECTRIC CO. ont Harlingea suosortptmn rate tour dollars per rt-ar bv mail Ten cents per copy Combmauon pruse and Sun n.ail $9 00 pei vear Member the Awoeiated freaa The Associated Press is exclusive ly to the use for puohcation all hews dispatches credited to ptper, and also the local newt nub liahed thereuv.

The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.