If you want to form an LLC or Corporation in the state of NJ, you’ll want to come up with a distinct company name. 3 min read updated on July 26, 2024
New Jersey Business Search
There are several reasons to conduct a New Jersey business search, which can include any one of the following:
- Checking for business name availability if you want to start a new business in the state of NJ
- Verifying the current status of an existing business
- Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing for your business
- Obtaining information on a business, including its address, contact information of the registered agent, and the status of the company
- Verifying whether or not a business has been properly registered
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I choose a name for my NJ business?
If you want to form an LLC or Corporation in the state of NJ, you’ll want to come up with a distinct company name. Therefore, come up with a few ideas of names and then run a business entity search to see if those names are already being used. First and foremost, choose a name that is appropriate for your business. You want it to reflect positively on you as a business owner. There are other requirements when naming your LLC, so be sure to visit the NJ Secretary of State website for those specific guidelines.
2. How long will it take to register my company name with the State of NJ?
If it’s not being used and you choose to register a specific name, you’ll be approved within one or two business days. If, however, the name is identical to a former business that is no longer active, the registration time could be delayed for up to two weeks.
3. Should I choose a similar URL name to my NJ business name?
This is your choice entirely. If you want to utilize an identical URL (website) name, then you’ll want to first ensure you choose a business name that is available. Immediately after that, you’ll want to find out if that name is available as a website. Additionally, you could consider using a similar or identical e-mail address to keep all contact information consistent with your company’s name.
4. What if I’m just trying to run a business entity search on a company that is already in existence? What kind of information will I be able to find?
If you run a general business entity search, you’ll be provided with information that includes the company name, entity ID, the type of business (e.g., LLC, partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship), city of incorporation, and the date of incorporation.
5. What if I don’t know the exact name of the business that I am trying to find information on?
It is possible to obtain information on a company by using the keyword function. Simply put, you can enter a keyword into the system and click Search. You will then see a page with information on several entities that have that keyword in their name.
6. Can I search for a business by its entity ID?
Yes, absolutely. You can search based on the company’s entity ID number and find the information you are looking for.
7. What if I need to verify the registration status of an NJ company?
You can visit the NJ portal website and enter either the name of the company, entity ID number, or even the taxpayer identification number (Federal Employer ID Number) of the business. The website will then verify if the business is registered. If so, you can obtain a printable version of the Business’s Registration Certificate.
Alternatively, if you need to search for a previously issued business registration certificate, you will want to run a search on the certificate’s number, which is seven digits. When you run this type of search, you cannot obtain a new certificate, but rather find out if a previously issued Business Registration Certificate was provided.
Keep in mind that there are other requirements when running this search, so ensure that you visit the website and follow the instructions for searching. For example, if searching by the business’s entity ID, you’ll include all 10 digits of the entity’s ID, including the leading zeros. But if the business operates as a general partnership or sole proprietorship, this search function is not available.
If you need help with running a New Jersey business search, you can post your legal needon UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.