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Launching a business in New Jersey isn’t difficult, but it does require a few steps. The first is checking for business name availability using the New Jersey business entity search website. The state’s Department of the Treasury makes its registered business database public so you can research business names before filing registration documents. The website lets you search existing business names, plus has an available names search feature that makes the process quick and easy.
To check available business names, visit the business entity search page on the New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services website.
What Is a Business Entity?
The term “business entity” represents any organization or business that’s legally registered to operate within a state. For business purposes, registered entities include limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships with a doing-business-as (DBA).
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Starting a Business in New Jersey
After researching and selecting your business name, you need to determine what type of business you want to start. Tax filings and legal protections vary greatly among business structures, so it’s a good idea to check with legal and financial advisors before filing your business documents with the state.
For example, solopreneurs and side-gig businesses might be fine with a simple DBA sole proprietorship setup. However, if you’re providing services, hiring staff or operating a retail location, LLCs and corporations offer far more legal protections than a DBA.
Forming an LLC in New Jersey
LLCs are popular with many small businesses and solopreneurs in New Jersey. To register an LLC in New Jersey, you first need to conduct business name research and choose an available name. An LLC business name in New Jersey must also include L.L.C. or the phrase “limited liability company.” Once you’ve settled on your LLC name, you can reserve it for up to 120 days for a $50 fee. This gives you time to complete the LLC filing process.
To start an LLC in New Jersey, you first need to file for an employer identification number (EIN), then name a New Jersey resident as the registered agent. The next step is to file a Public Records filing for a New Business Entity. Within 60 days of this filing, you need to file your Certificate of Formation with the Department of the Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. New Jersey’s LLC filing fees are $125 for for-profit businesses and $75 for nonprofit organizations.
Search by Business Name
The New Jersey business entity search process is very simple. The “search by business name” tab displays all registered entity names that are an exact or similar match to the business name entered in the search field. If an exact match to your preferred name appears in this search result, the name is taken, and you need to come up with an alternative.
Search by Available Names
The “business name availability” tab is the best way to find available business names in New Jersey. Simply enter your preferred business name, and in one click, the system tells you if that name is available or not. If it’s available, you can reserve it right away and start your business registration process.
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Search by Entity ID
New Jersey businesses are assigned an entity identification number, and you can find businesses by entity ID using the New Jersey business entity search. Entity IDs appear on all search results but are for state registration purposes only. Business entity IDs aren’t used for New Jersey state sales tax or income tax filings, nor are they used for federal taxes. You’ll need a unique employer identification number (EIN) for business income tax filings.
Search by Keyword
The New Jersey business entity search portal also features a keyword search option. By entering a keyword relevant to your business, such as trucking, seafood or motorcycles, you can see every business with that keyword in their name registered in New Jersey.
This is a handy tool for brainstorming business name ideas and for doing some quick competitor research. Keyword results show you how many potentially similar businesses are registered in specific areas so you can spot market opportunities.
Bottom Line
The New Jersey business entity search portal makes it easy to quickly search for available business names. Using the “business name availability” tab, you can quickly see if your preferred name is available, and if not, try variations until you get a winner. Business name research is a key part of starting a business on the right foot in New Jersey. Business formation filings have several steps and skimping on research can set your startup back by weeks or months, plus adds costs due to repeat filing fees.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I register an LLC in New Jersey?
To register an LLC in New Jersey, you first need to research available business names in the state. Once you’ve reserved your name, you’re ready to pull together your LLC registration forms for your business filing. These include applying for your employer identification number (EIN) for tax purposes, naming your registered agent, filing your Public Record for a New Business Entity and, finally, filing your Certificate of Formation with the New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. The cost of filing a business LLC in New Jersey is $125, but costs can increase if you need a state-based registered agent or legal assistance with the process.
How do I choose a business name?
Brainstorming names that relate to your business is a good way to get ideas for your business name. Once you have a few potential winners, head to the state business name entity search to make sure your chosen name is available in your state or in the state in which you plan to register your business name.
How do I find out if an LLC name is available in New Jersey?
If you want to find out if an LLC name is available in New Jersey, visit thebusiness entity searchpage on the New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services website. You can also read our guide to learn more about how you can start an LLC in New Jersey.