LETTERS: NCT, Aug. 25, 2009 (2024)

Homebound enjoy sporting events, too

With the Chargers games being blacked out, I have wonderedwhether these people realize that thousands of people who are toosick to attend the games are being shut out of one of the fewpleasures they have to enjoy. The greed of the sports teams isbecoming overwhelming.

I also have watched the Little League championships for years. Inoticed that they will only be on a station that we don’t get. Wecannot afford the cost that goes with their progress inelectronics.

They should remember that they too will become old and sufferillnesses that keep them homebound. We are with Cox Cable.

Georgia Nordman

San Marcos

Stick to the facts on health reform

I concur with Mr. James Ciriello(Letters, Aug. 17). Print the current versions of the healthplans in discussion. Summarize the important issues, the costdrivers and offsets, and the proposed systemic fixes.

Try to avoid the hysterics that the TV/talk radio media expoundson daily. Please stick to facts.

Theodore Swartz


Fit lifestyle improves overall health

There is a lot of discussion about what to do about insuranceand health care costs. But, there is little or no discussion abouthealth care. Health care is what each of us does every day to ourbodies and minds.

How many of you do 30-45 minutes of moving continuously, a fewback exercises, some stretching and eat five fruits and vegetableswith a little fish and chicken every day? If you don’t do thisdaily, the insurance companies and doctors will have little successtreating your lifestyle diseases.

If your doctor doesn’t give you a prescription for exercise anda healthy diet with or without your drugs, you should find a newdoctor.

Kathy Kinane


Support the living

The question is, will Americans be scared into a version ofhealth care that does not benefit them directly, or will theysupport health care that helps all of us lead better lives? I paytaxes like the rest, and do not like knowing that my money goes tosupport endless deaths in the form of soldiers and civilians inseveral countries.

Finally, there is a possibility, called the public option, whereall taxpayers can benefit by supporting the living. The sidelineissues of abortion and euthanasia are so crazy to me, in light ofendless broken soldiers coming home to us, that I have to wonderabout our collective sanity!

Help people now. By cheating them of healthy choices and insteadgiving money to wealthy middlemen (insurance companies), we cut offour nose to spite our face — all for fear of socialism! Laughableat this point in history. Please do not be persuaded by puppets ofwealthy business interests. Research the facts for yourself.

Kathleen Beck

Santa Ysabel

Health care should not be for-profit

One of the biggest challenges to a healthy democracy is thedifficulty in convincing voters/taxpayers to sacrifice in thepresent for a future good. There seems to be no real question thatthe current health care system (or lack of a system) is not aviable option for the future, yet the resistance to change by thosewho have a self-interest in the current system or those who havebeen frightened by a successful misinformation campaign threatensthe possibility of meaningful reform.

Health care should not be a for-profit business; it should beprovided to every citizen in this country. We all pay into ourSocial Security system; why should it be any different for ourhealth care?

Janet Weinstein


Health care reform reality check

I have seen so much misinformation … about health care it ismaking me sick … to think how many people are so willing toabandon logic, reality and their best interests.

Telling lies about legislation that our congresspeople havewritten does not help our country. It does not cover the uninsured.It does not help small businesses. It does not help anybody exceptthose making huge profits in the medical-industrial sector.

I am lucky to have health insurance. Health care expenses,including insurance premiums, represent more than 20 percent of mycompensation. If I didn’t have my job, there’s no way I could buyhealth insurance …

Those of us with health insurance are already paying for thosewho don’t, through taxes that fund emergency room operations andhigher premiums.

Medicare has so proved its worth and its quality of care thatpeople are telling the government to “keep its hands off theirMedicare.” Let’s give all citizens peace of mind … and makequality affordable health care a reality … I challenge (the)screamers and ranters to sit down and read the legislation they saythey are so afraid of. They need to lose their fear of thinking forthemselves.

Theresa Aitchison


Was USS Liberty attack deliberate?

As long as Dolores Wiener continues to defend her flippant anduntrue belief that the USS Liberty was attacked because it was inthe wrong place at the wrong time (Letters,July 27andAug. 16), I will continue to correct her.

She claims that 34 American sailors were killed and 171 woundedby “friendly fire” because the Liberty was in an area where it wasnot supposed to be. Liberty was in international waters, and thefriend was Israel.Israel’s explanation was its military hadconfused the Liberty with a 37-year-old Egyptian cargo ship lessthan half her size. Our Israeli-influenced Congress readilyaccepted this excuse…

Was the attack deliberate? Before the attack, Liberty was undersurveillance by Israeli aircraft for several hours and the crewheard the observer report that they had discovered a ship with theletters GTRS-5 on its hull, which identified it as an Americannaval vessel.I, along with many high government and militaryofficials, believe it was deliberate, and as a veteran, I willcontinue to speak out until our Congress honestly investigates thisact. The crew of the Liberty, the living and the dead, deserves noless. See ussliberty.com.

Mel Crawford


Keep up the good work, Marines

Re:Aug. 16“>”Round-the-clockartillery exercises at Camp Pendleton generating noise complaints,”Aug. 18: How does 24-hour training at Camp Pendleton warrant theheadline “Sound of freedom”?

Seems to me that the training has nothing to do with freedom.It’s more like troop readiness. To me, the sounds of freedom arethe noise I hear coming from the Fallbrook airport or a localshooting range.

To the Marines, keep up the good work, all night long!

John Klink


Kern, colleagues try power grab

Mr. Kern and his cronies, Feller and Chavez, keep putting outthis “power grab” propaganda attempt by the firemen and police.

The only power grab sought is by KFC, who want to maintain theirpower at all costs. KFC appointed the city treasurer (not elected)who spewed outrageous remarks at last week’s council meeting. KFCare in bed with the Mary Acevedos, Lawson Chadwicks and the DanielShores, who all want to keep their hold on this city.

Wake up, Oceanside!

Frank Biddle


Camp Pendleton here before complainers

My father was a Marine artilleryman in WWII in the SouthPacific. In jumping from island to island, he came down withmalaria and a host of other tropical diseases that hastened hispassing.

When I hear the artillery from Camp Pendleton, I think of my dadand how proud I am of him and all of our MarinesAug. 16(“Round-the-clock artillery exercises at Camp Pendletongenerating noise complaints,” Aug. 18).

The base was there long before any of these complainers were,and the thunder from the artillery is like my dad reminding me thatit is these Marines who keep us free. Semper fi.

Terry Newman


Will high-paying Granite jobs last?

Do you remember all those good, high-paying jobs that we’veheard Granite Construction talk about for its proposed Libertyquarry? Well, Teamsters Local 533 is now in contract negotiationswith Granite(https://highboldtage.wordpress.com/2009/08/15/granite-construction-strike-possible/).This Teamster local represents members throughout northern Nevadaand eastern California, whose drivers bring concrete and asphalt toconstruction sites.

The Teamsters union has offered to take a wage freeze. AndGranite Construction? Granite wants its Teamster drivers to take an$8 an hour pay cut — yes, $8 an hour pay cut — on private sectorwork, from $21 down to $13 an hour. That would be more than a 38percent pay cut! Can you imagine having to go through all thetraining to drive one of those big trucks, obtaining the properdriver’s license, paying union dues, and Granite wants you to workfor only $13 an hour?

A Teamster spokesperson has said that “We will not let Granitebecome a modern-day robber baron.” Further, the spokesperson said:”Granite’s conduct has shown they don’t want resolution, they wantconfrontation.”

So while those Liberty quarry jobs might be consideredhigh-paying jobs on day one, the question is, how long would thatlast?

Nita Delnay


Titanic consequences

Everything is about to change radically! Obama’s (poll ratingsare plunging!) relentless, destabilizing and crippling legislativeblitzkreig will bring America to its knees. This well-planned,orchestrated and executed governmental and corporate bailout/Ponzischeme, which started in earnest under Bush, will peak under Obama,who is basically Bush 5.0! Honorable leadership is all but dead. Atipping point is near.

Obamaites are desperately trying to squelch growing vocalopposition to the ruinous universal health care scheme/scam (whichwill include millions of illegal aliens)! Furious, Americans areventing their anger and outrage at politicians holding town hallmeetings across America!

Pro-illegal alien Rep. Susan Davis is having a town hall meetingat 1 p.m. Saturday, way out in Spring Valley (library at 836Kempton St.).

Many Americans are now seeing/feeling firsthand Obama’s andCongress’ arrogant disregard of, and overt contempt for, ourconstitutional principles and the American people. See you at thetown hall meeting!

Gary Walker


Church of global warming

Amy Hoyt Bennett states “rational thought and factual evidencehave been swept aside” in the argument over global warming(“Deceivers paralyze our will to stop global warming,” CommunityForum, Aug. 18), and that Congress should pass cap and tradelegislation immediately.

I’ve grown tired of this argument from the liberal left claimingclimate change is anthropomorphic (human-caused). While it’sridiculous to claim humans have no impact, it’s ridiculous to claimhumans provide all or most of the impact.

I am climate change agnostic. The extent to which man isaffecting climate is not knowable. The earth and its climate havebeen changing since the beginning, and will continue to do so longafter we’re gone. Unfortunately, those on the left have created anew religion over global warming.

Until Ms. Bennett can explain, using “rational thought andfactual evidence,” what happened to the mile-thick ice sheets thatmelted about 12,000 years ago at the end of the Great Ice Age,please stay away from my wallet.

Kevin Connors


Speak out against uncontrolled spending

The outstanding public debt for the United States, as of Aug.18, was $11.6 trillion. The estimated population of the UnitedStates is 306,757,708 so each citizen’s share of this debt is$38,090 or more than $150,000 for a family of four. The nationaldebt continues to increase at an average of $3.88 billion per daysince Sept. 28, 2007.

This level of spending is unsustainable and will bankrupt theUnited States. If you are concerned about uncontrolled spending byboth political parties, then tell Congress and the White House.Join the thousands of people who feel like you do and let yourvoice be heard. Stop Taxing Us is having a rally/protest from 6 to7 p.m. Sept. 3, at the Oceanside City Hall.

Be silent no longer!

Charles Black


LETTERS: NCT, Aug. 25, 2009 (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.